Instant arrival notification with integration of Phone calls / Instant messaging

Is Email not a sufficient communication tool because your recipients are often on the move? With the Phone Calls / IM Add-On you will be able to automatically notify the recipient of a visitor’s arrival much more effectively and directly.

Immediate notification to the addressee

Multilingual phone calls and text messages

Includes a basic phone call/SMS bundle

Option to purchase additional phone calls/SMS bundles

Notifica arrivo del destinatario con telefonate sms grazie ad AppReception

You choose how and when

Choose to customize each flow to fit the desired communication way: for example, you may want to receive a phone call when the guest arrives, and when the guest leaves, a text message is sufficient.

Phone calls or text messages: choose how and when

International phone numbers*

Personalizza flussi di avviso telefonate sms con AppReception

Visitor notification messages always with you thanks to WhatsApp integration

Thanks to the customizable flows you may integrate WhatsApp* messages to create a visitor notification system for your recipients. 

Customized message based on the visitor's context

Low budget bundle compared to classic SMS

* WhatsApp is required on recipient’s phone.


Yes, AppReception offers the ability to customize the notification message sent via Instant messaging or phone calls. This allows specific details such as the visitor’s name, time of arrival, and meeting place to be included, making the welcome warmer and more personal.

Yes, the Phone call / Instant messaging feature can be used for all visitors kind, including customers, suppliers, respondents, and other guests. This ensures that each person entering the company is welcomed efficiently, enhancing the overall visitor experience.

We have few bundles available to accomplish your needs. Please contacts us to get more details.