Not just visitors, manage employees as well

With our solution you can create an employee management system for your company. Customize access to show dedicated disclosures, news and more.

Dedicated flow

No need to enter information

Approval of corporate communiqués

Supports the use of the AppReception badge

Gestione dei flussi di ingresso dei dipendenti in azienda con AppReception

Employees access informations easily accessible

Thanks to the dashboard, you can always know whois in the company or access historical data. You can also export to Excel or PDF for external processing.

Supports multi-location employees

Advanced Filters

Consultation of approved releases

Statistiche di accesso dipendenti in azienda con AppRecetion


You can do this either manually or automatically through the use of the Active Directory module.

It is possible to enable a dedicated flow on the station at the reception desk, where they will find an “Employees” button so they can log in easily. In addition, there is also an account for web-based access, where they will also be able to digitally consult the disclosures issued by the company.